As i stare at the topic thinking of how best to start this blog, my mind flashes back to a few weeks ago (maybe less) when i was wrecklessly as always. Quickly driving into the front of a trailer dodging a parked car and watching the car behind me smash into the parked car at a speed of 120km/hr. I would know considering i was going slightly faster than that and he was trying to match me. Now the sad yet funny part of this was that i was looking at the accident from my rear view mirror laughing at the fool and wondering what kind of driver would actually pull such a stunt. Though don't judge me so harshly yet, i had a little moment where i was actually feeling bad about it all and wondering if i should stop...but all that kinda died away quickly as the laughter resumed.
And now am back to the present...staring at the topic once more...and its quite clear how to start...i start from the beginning.
Its funny how we say things can never be worse than they already are and yet whenever we say such things...something new happens that makes things even worse than they already are. For those that don't know whats going on in Port Harcourt....please read the previous post. Anyways, today kinda made things clear as to how far these psychos are willing to go as they boldly went against the soldiers that were stationed within the area to protect the civilians. This happened in the early hours of the morning and lasted well into the afternoon. The craziest part of this whole thing is that while this was going on i was busy taking Ayo (a friend of mine that came on business) to the company's office thinking everything was okay. It wasn't long before we started hearing people telling everyone to be careful and not head to town. Of course, after i dropped him off....yeah...i went to town. Not into the firing away but close enough to at least hear the gunshots and bombs going off. Its a crazy world we live in. After the whole battle was done, there were 3 fully loaded big ass trucks taking dead bodies to the cemetery. I was honestly expecting all 3 to be filled with bodies from the militants...but noooo...2 trucks were filled with the soldiers bodies...all dead...while only 1 truck carried the dead bodies of the militants...Yeah, i'd say we are in for some serious problems.
The funny thing about this (theres always a funny side with me people, get used to it) was that the major incharge of the campaign actually told the reporters that this will be lesson for the militants to learn. That they will not think of doing this again...what tha hell!? They lost more men, they had less equipment, i mean they basically had their asses handed to them and he says the militants won't dare try it again?....ONLY IN NIGERIA!
And now for the sweetest part of this whole thing. Recently it seems that chelsea has been doing much better than my beloved team..MANCHESTER UNITED!!! So it was only fair that something stupid on their side happen. So there i was having fun with Ayo over a couple of bottles, being glad that we are still alive, and from no where a car slams into big block and a lamp post, and also i think a NEPA poll as well. I had to clear my eyes a couple of times thinking maybe the booze had started getting to me...but was happened...we start laughing about it and quickly run out to check on things. The guy survived so don't freak out, but as i look around and start taking pictures of the whole scene...i notice something that makes the both of us feel better about MU's recent failures...a chelsea symbol within the car! HA!!!
And now i wish you all sweet dreams...from your friendly walking dead. :)
Damn shame what's going on in port-harcourt.....but as for chelsea....yeah we are a kick ass team....and i still say you are one hell of a smart ass stupid fuck.;)...if that makes any love brethren. RESPECT!
niaja is fast becoming something else... if u train a dog how to bit, soon or later, somehow, the dog will bite you...
guess that guy was high on chelsea.. LOL
Why do you call yourself a dead man?
Have a few friends in PH and heard about the violence. Take am easy o
SOmethings in life can't be helped.
You'll always be a weirdo.
People will always fear fighting.
No one will ever understand Micheal Jackson's taste,
ANd chelsea will always be the biggest bestestet club in the galaxy.
Accidents? Bring it on!
@Mrs somebody: Pretty simple really, i am dead to you all as you do not know me. Though believe you can view the name and reason in so many different ways as i have made it so. :)
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